Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Like The Cleanse, But Not So Much The Burn! Jillian Michael's Cleanse and Burn

Being over 30 sucks. Your metabolism seems to slow down BIG TIME, and those last few pounds that used to just fall off in your 20's seem to stick endlessly. Weeks of fad diets, eating right, excersizing, etc. etc, seem to do nothing to bring you closer to your weight loss goals. Needless to say, lately I have felt desperate for something to work, something to do ANYTHING, to show me that my weight loss efforts are not in vain, and that brought me to the diet aisle of my local drugstore, and to a big choice. Who do I trust? Kim Kardashian for Slim Quick, or Jillian Michaels, supporting her an array of her own brand of weight loss products? Well, I chose the former, selecting Michaels' Cleanse and Burn, a two-week program designed to cleanse your body of toxins, and then help burn the fat away.

The packaging promises to do the job with all natural products, with the first week consisting of a natural cleanse without side effects, while the second week replenishes your body with a probiotic supplement and then Michaels' Fat Burner tablets (also sold separately), taken twice a day, are formulated to help "Promote Preferential Loss of Fat Mass", "Encourage Lipolyisis (release of fat from mature cells)", and "Inhibit Activity of Phosphodiesterase (it doesn't say what this is exactly). How does it do this? From reading the back of the label, the fat loss is encouraged by types of Orange, Guarana, Alpha Lipoic Acid and White Willow bark extract.

The first week cleanse did its' job. Two tablets taken twice a day was easy enough. Consisting of Irish Moss, Ginger, Dandelion, Buckthorn, Butternut, Garlic, Uva Ursi, Yarro and Chinese Rhubarb, I did find myself going to the bathroom (both number one and number two) a couple times daily, which is quite a bit more than I usually do, but it wasn't unpleasant or over the top, and I never felt uncomfortable or embarassed during the cleanse. Honestly, the cleanse made me feel great, and THINNER. I lost about 5 pds, and this may have been a large majority of water weight, but my stomach has not felt so thin and flat since my 20's. I felt more confident, more excited about losing weight, and less hungry. I was so excited that this product may do exactly what it promised, that I couldn't wait until Week #2. (Please note that online reviews show that some users did not experience a cleansing effect from this product, and several mention feeling constipated).

Well, week #2 was a let-down. I had read in reviews that several other people gained their weight back this week, and I did too. Not all of it, but a good 3 pounds. After taking two Fat Burner pills twice a day, and one Probiotic pill per day, I felt bloated again, and I didn't find that the Fat Burner made me feel more energized like it promised. In fact, without drinking a whole glass of water, it actually made me feel nauseous, and the first night I used it, I did not sleep well. I stopped taking the Probiotic after day 3, and I felt better, even though the Fat Burner still made my stomach upset. I have no idea what the Probiotic is designed to do, other than replenish what my body had lost after the cleanse (the package says it "restores your body"), but why did I cleanse all of the junk out of my body in order to put more random products (Bacillus Coagulans, Irish Moss again, Fennel, Fenugreek, and Glactomannan) back in it? During this week, I never felt as good as I did after the cleanse, and honestly, I wish I had stopped after the cleanse and moved on from there, continuing to diet, without taking the Fat Burner and Probiotic pills. I would definitely do the cleanse again, and the $20 I spent was worth it, but in the future, I will definitely throw the rest of the pills out.

Bottom Line- Great cleanse, bad burn. I lost five pds from the cleanse the first week, gained three back during the replenshing and fat burning second week, for a total of two pds lost in two weeks.

Where to buy- Drugstores everywhere