Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! Love's Benefit for Beauty and Health

Here are some of the beauty and health benefits of being in love:

Lower Cortisol (caused by stress) Levels- Stress can cause acne flairups. Lower cortisol levels means more clearer, glowing skin.

Higher Dopamine Brain Levels- Along with higher Dopamine levels comes an increased sense of well being and an overall increased mental state.

More Regular Menstrual Cycles- Women who have regular sex are more likely to be regular than those who do not have sex regularly.

Healthier Heart- Lower stress levels due to feelings of love lead to a healthier heart.

Longer Life- Research shows that happily married people tend to live longer than those who are unmarried.

Stronger Immune System- Happy couples have a stronger immune system, and are able to fight off sickness and infection than unhappy couples.

Increased Intelligence- Feelings of love increase nerve growth for about one year. Nerve growth increases brain function.

Higher Fitness Levels- Feelings of love can help you lose weight and increase your overall fitness.

Now, for those that are going through a hard break up or divorce this Valentine's Day, there are some beauty benefits:

Stronger Immune System- If you were in a stressfull relationship, chances are the break up will give you a higher sense of calm; and as a result, a stronger immune system.

Higher Fitness Levels- Spending time with a significant other can lead to little time to work out.  More free time means more time to work on you.

Higher Sense of Well Being- Spending more time with friends and more time to yourself to enjoy the things you love can increase your sense of well being that may have been depleted due to a stressfull relationship.

Weight Loss- Stress due to a break up can lead to weight loss. Although the weight loss it is caused by something negative, the positive is that you can start again fresh with a thinner you.

Whether you are single or attached, I hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day! Be sure to tell the people you love that you love them. Not just significant others, but friends and family too. You would be surprised how a small gesture to someone that means a lot to you can mean the world to them.

Wherever You May Go
You’re in my thoughts and in my heart
Wherever I may go;
On Valentine’s Day, I’d like to say
I care more than you know.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!



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