Monday, January 17, 2011

Take Your Vitamins!

Vitamins are not just important for keeping you healthy on the inside, they are also a part of  you looking healthy on the outside. After suffering a bout of cystic acne in my 30s, I am a believer that vitamins can help a lot in making sure your skin looks it's best! I take Zinc for Acne by Good n' Natural every day and my skin has been clear for years now, and I used to break out all the time. I never skip a day!

Some important vitamins for you to consider adding to your day are the following:

1. Fish Oil- Keeps skin soft and supple, and it is good for the heart! I love Fish Oil. It makes my skin incredibly soft.
2. Zinc- If you have acne, zinc is especially important. A great brand to try is Zinc for Acne by Good N' Natural. It includes Vitamins C,D, and E in it already, so you get a great boost from two daily tablets! Make sure you read the warnings on the label though, Zinc can be toxic if you take too much.
3. C- Helps fight past sun damage.
4. A- Also helps with Acne and wrinkles.
5. E- Plumps skin, fights photodamage and wrinkles.
6. K- Can help with dark circles.

This is just a sample of vitamins that I use personally. Do some research online to find additional vitamins to help you with whatever issue you are most concerned with. I am a big believer in vitamins. If you are spending a ton of money on face creams, try adding vitamins to your beauty routine. You will be surprised how much they can help.

As a side note, if you are suffering from acne, a great website to visit is It has tons of information about acne products, both prescription and natural, and tons of reviews. I cleared up my acne by following a crazy-sounding vitamin supplement program on this site, and it worked! This site has nothing to sell either, so you can trust that the reviews are honest.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that list. Those nutrients are very vital for our health. We should definitely take them.
